Stories from media about women

Employability Skills for Bright Future
While some NGOs provide opportunities for vocational skills to youth, most of them are unable to find suitable employment. The few who do are unable to sustain it. We believe that it is essential to give young adults a set of skills and exposure to prepare them for employability apart from training NGO staff who works with these youth.
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Vocationalization in secondary education
Comparing India to countries with similar income levels –India does not underperform in primary education but has a comparative deficit in secondary education. Figures also indicate that if properly leveraged, the drop out pool itself can become a big opportunity in the skilling space!
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Domestic Violence
I am a hard nut to crack. I believed it when my husband got admitted in the hospital with a laceration in his skull, when a head-butt failed to open my skull, but split open his scalp instead. It would have been easier for him to use his fist, had it not been caught by me in time. Yes the right timing, it has its boons.
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India's First Female Merchant
India's first female Merchant Navy Captain Radhika Menon has become the first woman to be awarded by the IMO for her exceptional bravery in the dramatic rescue of seven fishermen from a sinking fishing boat in tumultuous Bay of Bengal waters last year.
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Ending child marriage
For those of us working on child marriage, it can often be tiring hearing that this is an issue confined to the realms of child protection, health or women’s rights. By talking about child marriage as a standalone issue we not only risk working in silos, but we hinder progress by failing to tap into innovative work.
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Gang rape survivor walks at fashion week
Mukhtar Mai, who survived a brutal gang rape and public humiliation years ago, walked the runway at fashion week in Karachi, Pakistan, on Tuesday in a show of strength and courage meant to inspire women. Her appearance on the runway drew applause from the audience as well as the models she shared the stage with.
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Demonetisation shock
The girl's father was not aware of the sudden declaration on demonetisation by the Modi government. Thus, when he offered Rs 1.70 lakh in old denomination notes, the bridegroom's family refused to receive the cash
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Stigma Attached to Menstruation
Stigma is a powerful force on our lives. It discourages us from doing or makes us feel ashamed about certain things – so although stigma isn’t tangible, its repercussions are. That’s why it’s particularly heartbreaking when stigma is attached to behaviour someone has no control over.
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Woman's head shaved off by husband, in-laws after she gave birth to second girl child
The victim, who is suffering from anemia, gave written complaint to police against her husband and in-laws at Malpura police station.
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